Straight Forward Story Weaving
Lesson 8 - Making intentional connections between the ideas and layers within your narrative.
This is lesson 8 of 12 in Jo Gatford's 'Smash Your Flash' for The Forever Workshop. Today's lesson is a paid one, the next free lesson will be on Monday May 27th. Find previous lessons and more info about this course here.
Hey there! How’re you flashin’?
Last lesson was a biggun, I know — but there’s lots to cover when you have the ability to play with the whole of time and space, right?
Right from the very beginning of this course we’ve seen writers experimenting with structure and form in order to draw out a deeper meaning in their stories.
We’ve seen stories that break all the rules, jumping back and forth into memory and the future, zoning in on significant moments and freeze-framing on snapshots, connecting lists of seemingly unconnected things, and building tension through repetition.
We’ve started to look at how we might play with all these techniques in our own writing, too — and how stylistic and structural choices affect our stories when it comes to tone, perspective, tense, voice etc.
And so, as your drafts begin to take shape, it can be useful to look at how you’re making connections between all the ideas and layers within your narrative. How the pieces start to come together to make a whole.
Which brings us seamlessly into the subject of today’s lesson, which is all about interweaving story threads.