If I have a very anemic social media presence, is it better not to include links to those accounts in a cover letter? I rarely post anything; I use most platforms to follow other people or stalk my kids. Not as creepy as it sounds (hopefully).
If I have a very anemic social media presence, is it better not to include links to those accounts in a cover letter? I rarely post anything; I use most platforms to follow other people or stalk my kids. Not as creepy as it sounds (hopefully).
hahaha no not creepy. My mom does it to me all the time. Do you have a place you generally share or list where you've published? Shel, my partner, is planning to do a mini-course about turning your instagram into a landing page. Kinda like, set it and forget it. I'll announce that when it's happening but in the meantime, if someone were to ask where they could go to read more of your work, where would you send them?
That mini-course would be awesome! Honestly I would probably send them to my LinkedIn page even though it's more of my journalism work vs essays I've published. Is LinkedIn lame?
I agree about the course! I am currently struggling with the issue of where to send people for my work. And if I had a website, would I list all my published pieces? But also, seeing all my work laid out like that in one place feels so, well, like I need to go lay down about it. I've published stuff in the past because I hyped myself up to submit it, then been thrilled to be accepted, and then thought, holy shit, what have I done? Further, one of the "worst" pieces has appeared twice, once in an anthology. I can't seem to stop myself haha.
If I have a very anemic social media presence, is it better not to include links to those accounts in a cover letter? I rarely post anything; I use most platforms to follow other people or stalk my kids. Not as creepy as it sounds (hopefully).
hahaha no not creepy. My mom does it to me all the time. Do you have a place you generally share or list where you've published? Shel, my partner, is planning to do a mini-course about turning your instagram into a landing page. Kinda like, set it and forget it. I'll announce that when it's happening but in the meantime, if someone were to ask where they could go to read more of your work, where would you send them?
That mini-course would be awesome! Honestly I would probably send them to my LinkedIn page even though it's more of my journalism work vs essays I've published. Is LinkedIn lame?
I agree about the course! I am currently struggling with the issue of where to send people for my work. And if I had a website, would I list all my published pieces? But also, seeing all my work laid out like that in one place feels so, well, like I need to go lay down about it. I've published stuff in the past because I hyped myself up to submit it, then been thrilled to be accepted, and then thought, holy shit, what have I done? Further, one of the "worst" pieces has appeared twice, once in an anthology. I can't seem to stop myself haha.