Calling all book reviewers! My forthcoming release has full-page illustrations, has won an award, and it is available on Net Galley (+ LibraryThing + BookSirens). Also happy to send you an ARC + Press Kit.

The hook of "Always Haunted" is Hallowe'en - - but it's really focused on crime and injustice.


"Always Haunted: Hallowe'en Poems" on NetGalley -- https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/437468

"Always Haunted: Hallowe'en Poems" on LibraryThing - https://www.librarything.com/ner/detail/51092/Always-Haunted-Halloween-Poems

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You give a lot to chew on here. Thank you Steve and Terry! I’m motivated to get my squinty critic stare out and write some reviews now. ;-)

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Ally Bishop, my book drops in October 2024. Happy to send you a Press Kit + ARC.

My book won an award in July.

Probably you are on NetGalley already, yes?

"Always Haunted: Hallowe'en Poems" on NetGalley -- https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/437468

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