How This Course Will Work: A Submitter's Guide to Lit Mags
Hello & welcome to our first Write or Die 101 course on Substack
UPDATE: The first lesson is LIVE. You can check it out here.
Hello! You're seeing this because you're a subscriber to Write or Die 101. This means that you are all signed up for my upcoming course: Sorry For The Inconvenience — A Submitter's Guide To Lit Mags.
This course begins on February 5th (Monday).
Lessons will arrive in your inbox just like this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until March 1st (12 lessons total).
You are invited to participate in discussions and post your exercises as well. To do this, you'll want to visit the Write or Die 101 Substack Homepage and find the corresponding lesson (it will have the same title as the subject line of the email sent to you).
Also, in each lesson, I will include a button that says, "Leave a Comment." By pressing that button, you will be redirected to the lesson's page where you can participate. You can try it out on this post if you’d like.
I will respond to every comment throughout the course. So, yes, there is a live element. Unless, of course, I die somewhere between now and the end of this course in which case all questions can be directed to Kailey.
If you have questions, need assistance, or just want to say hi along the way, you can email me personally:
You do not need to be a paid subscriber to take this course. However, future courses will be 50/50 (2 weeks free / 2 weeks Paid). If you enjoy your time during my course, and want to support us, we'll be offering a 10% off discount throughout. You can snag that at any time here.
Thank you very much for joining me. This is a totally new experiment in writing education we're trying. Believing in us early on is what gives us the support to grow it into something special.
See you Monday.
- Ben
P.S. If you’ve got a friend you think might be interested in this program, you can share it using this button.
And if you’re a person who got sent this thing and haven’t subscribed yet, you can do that here:
Will you be mentioning mostly American mags? I would love to hear about Canadian journals.
I just love you guys. The laughter and joy in my writing life has increased by about a thousand-fold since you started appearing in my inbox.